1)Nick was not interested in acting.
2)“Just for fun.”
3)“I was waiting for something big.”
分析Steven和Nick 的性格特点以及对他们的评价。
用第一人称写Nick的心路历程。教学辅助多媒体教学方法students-centered teaching
task-based teaching
阅读环节教室设置不同的教学任务,锻炼学生的阅读能力;独立思考锻炼学生的自学能力;讨论环节增强学生的交流合作能力;开放性写作开发学生的发散思维能力。教学内容教学活动设计意图教师活动学生活动Step 1: Lead in 给学生呈现有关聚光的图片,首先他们看到的肯定是那个在聚光灯下的人,然后告诉学生另外一个人更有才更出名,他是“抖森”。从而引出主题:What we see is less than the fact.
The man under the spotlight may not necessarily be the focus.简单的话题导入,让学生很快融入课堂,直入主题,引出文章的中心: Step 2: Fast Reading Read the story quickly and fill in the blanks to get the main idea.
_____ and ______ are brothers. In others' eyes, Steven liked _____ very much, but Nick didn't like it. However in an open casting call, Steven was _______ to find that Nick had a ______ for acting. When asked about it, Nick only said he was waiting for a big ______. The ending is _________ to the readers.(给学生限制阅读时间,然后请一个学生说出她的答案,老师做出点评)因为故事简单易懂,话题也贴近生活,快速阅读文章能让学生很快掌握文章的大意,为下面故事的深入理解做好铺垫。Step 3: Reading and ThinkingQ: What do these sentences imply?
1. Nick was not interested in acting.
2. “Just for fun.”
3. “I was waiting for something big.”
The possible implied meanings:
1)He didn't want many people to know he had the same dream as Steven, and pretended to be not interested in acting.
2)Maybe he worked hard and practiced secretly, or he was born with this talent.
3)Waiting for a big chance, he would grasp it once it came and left others in shock.
(老师给出几个暗含的意思,然后请一个同学给大家郎读出来)提炼出文章中需要深入理解和推断的句子,学生需要在理解原文的基础上,借助自己的认知和经验进行分析和推断,从而读出文字背后的故事。聆听和分享学生的理解之后,老师给出自己的见解,一方面能巩固理解,另外还能给那些不能理解的学生一次理解的机会。Step 4: Thinking and Discussion Q: What's your impression of Steven and Nick? Who do you like better? Why?
(You can answers like this:)
I think Steven is a person who ________________________________.
Nick is a person who______________.
I like ______ better, because________.