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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版七年级下册Section A 2d—3c下载详情
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Most students can understand and use There be structure to describe their dream school and neighborhood.(英语课程标准5级语法4)

II.Emotion aims:

Students cooperative and work groups actively and help each other to complete the tasks.(英语课程标准5级情感态度4)

Students love school and environment they live.

Teaching key points and difficult points

The important points of this unit are the names of different buildings, prepositions and making conversations using the target sentence.

The difficult point is that most students can understand and use the right language to describe their dream school and neighborhood and the Yes or No questions with there be

After this I’ll talk about teaching and learning methods.

Part 4 Teaching and learning methods

I’ll mainly use task-based language teaching method., including communicative approach direct method, step by step teaching method and VAK teaching method.

Students can find out the language rules and make more sentences with the target language. (英语课程标准认知策略5级6和7)

Students can find their own place with personal computers.

Part 5 Teaching steps

In this part, I’ll arrange 5 steps:

Step1 Warm up and Review (4 minutes)

Warming up:In this step, we’ll first give each other greetings and make some communication.

Lead in: Sing a song named One Two Three Four together

Step 2 Task 1 Where are you(5 minutes)

Ask them communicate with others simply about their seats in the classroom.(5 minutes)

Step3 Task 2 I love my classroom(8 minutes)

5. Ask them to find out language rules and translate Chinese into English.

Step4 Task 3: I love my school.(13 minutes)

6. Show a map of Kongque Middle School and ask students to communicate with others simply about the school with Yes or No questions included There be .

7. Ask them to work in pairs: One S ask questions and tries to establish what places are at numbers 1-4 on their partner’s map.

8.Have them find out find the language rules

Step5Task 4 I love my hometown.( 7 minutes)

1. Ask them find their own place in satellite cloud picture on the Internet.

2.Have them watch a video and listen to my introduction for Tie Menguan City.

Step5 Sum up and homework

Watch a video and write a short passage to tell your classmates what public buildings are there near your home?
