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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版八年级上册Section B 3a —4 Self check下载详情
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The students from Grade 8 have learnt English and have been trained English skills for more than one year, but most of them are afraid of the grammar. This theme of this lesson is about “Amazing China”, which is one of the popular topics recently, so it’s a great opportunity for them to practice speaking or writing because they are interested in them and have something to say and write. This class I’ll guide them to review the grammar step by step so that they will feel grammar is not that difficult as they imagine. I’ll attract them to join in the listening and speaking practice, then guide them to try to finish the writing practice after that.(八年级的学生已经学习了英语,他们训练英语的学习技能有一年了,但大部分学生还是害怕语法。这节课的主题围绕“厉害了,我的国”这个当今的流行话题,因此这是一次很好的机会来练习语法,因为学生会很感兴趣且有内容说和写。在这节课我会带领他们复习最高级,并让他们感觉语法并不是他们想象中那么难。因此我会吸引他们加入到课堂的听说活动中,之后引导他们进行写作的训练。)

= 3 ﹨* ROMAN III .Teaching aims(教学目标)

1.Knowledge objects(知识目标)

Review the usage and rules of superlative degree and students can talk and write by using superlatives.(复习最高级的用法和变化规则,学生能运用最高级进行口语及写作输出)

2.Ability objects(能力目标)

Master the grammar and improve writing skills.(掌握语法规则,提升写作运用能力。)

3.Moral objects(情感目标)

Let students use the target language to talk about the best things in hometown; to show their love to our country and hometown; to let students have confidence and feel proud of our country.(培养爱祖国爱家乡的情感和民族自信及民族自豪感。)

= 4 ﹨* ROMAN IV . Teaching methods and learning methods(教法和学法)

1.Teaching methods

Task-based Teaching Method; Competition-approach Method; Student-centered Teaching Method.

2. Learning methods

Independent learning method; Co-operation method; Competition learning method.

= 5 ﹨* ROMAN V .Important points and difficult points(重点和难点)

Important points


2. Difficult points

(1) the rules of superlatives;(最高级的变化规则)

(2) the skill of writing(写作技巧)

= 6 ﹨* ROMAN VI .The usage of multimedia(媒体的运用)

video, computer,seewo(视频、一体机、希沃白板、希沃助手等)

= 7 ﹨* ROMAN VII . Teaching Procedure(教学步骤)

Step1: Let’s warm up! -----A quiz(知识竞答)

To begin with, I’ll let students play an interesting game. It’s a quiz about some geographic knowledge and some great achievements of China. Students need to answer the questions as fast as they can. And they can get a clue as the award. The more clues they get, the closer they’ll get to the answer to the puzzle. The winner group who get the answer can get the award. This game and the competition among the groups can arouse students’ interest. (该堂课是通过一个知识竞答来导入课堂,知识竞答是关于我国的一些地理常识以及我们国家的一些最新成就。学生需要抢答并得到装有线索的信封。小组得到的线索越多,越接近最后谜题的答案。而得到答案的小组可以得到最后的奖励。这个知识抢答以及小组竞争的游戏极大地调动了学生的积极性,学生起立抢答激发出了学生的学习热情和激情,使学生进入了良好的心理准备状态,为他们能全神贯注的开展后面的学习打下了基础。

Step2: Let’s review!-----Superlative(复习最高级)

Review the superlatives by talking about the sentences from the quiz. The sentences become more and more difficult and students need to finish the sentences by using the superlatives.(这一环节再次利用知识竞答中的句子进行练习,句子由易到难,由学生利用最高级来谈论图片。)

Step3:Let’s summarize!---Regular & irregular. (归纳语法)

Summarize the superlative degree by watching a micro class. A student summarize the grammar by using a mind map.(学生通过观看微课视频总结归纳了最高级的基本概念和用法,该微课由学生进行讲解并用思维导图将最高级的概念、用法及变化规则进行了总结。)

Lead students to classify the regular words and irregular words on the paper and let a student finish the task on the computer. (引导学生在导学案上完成规则和不规则的分类。让学生上黑板演示完成。)

Summarize the rules of regular and irregular forms and let a student finish a task of matching (再总结规则变化的一些规律,并通过一个连线题进行检测并巩固。)

