通过I, Robot 的片段的嵌入,吸引学生注意力,通过问题激活本课的背景知识,为学生进入本课主题热身。Step 2 Pre-reading
1.Ask questions. (show PPT)
Q1: What is the robot doing?
Q2: Where are the robots working?
Q3: Besides working, what can the robots also do?
2.Make a conclusion.
That’s why they are usually like human servants.
3.Let the students find out the main ideas of each paragraph.
(1)After the introduction about the robot, Let the students find out the main idea of paragraph one.
(2) Teach how to get the reading skill—skimming.(Take paragraph one for example)
Skills: key words
the first or the last sentence of each paragraph
(3) Let the students find out the main ideas of paragraph two, three and four by using the reading skill –skimming.
1.Answer questions.
A1: It’s working.
A2: They are working in dirty or dangerous places.
A3: They can help with housework.
2.Make a conclusion together.
3.Get the reading skill—skimming and find the main idea of each paragraph.
阅读学习的策略指导,让学生先学后应用,使学生真正掌握skimming的精髓。Step 3 While reading
1.Show the development of the robots.
robots in movie---- robots in factories---- different ideas about robots---- robots in the future
2.Show some questions.
Q1: What can the robots do in factories?
Q2: What kind of jobs do they do in building cars?
Q3: Do you want to make the robots do the boring things for you?
3.Moral education.
As a student, the most important thing for them is to work hard and make themselves better persons.
4.Introduce the abilities of the robots.