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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版八年级上册Section A Grammar focus 3a—3c下载详情
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1. Teaching important points

The main words and target language in this period

2. Teaching difficult points

The meaning and use of “be going to”

Ⅲ. Teaching and Learning Aids

Multi media player and some cards

Ⅳ. Teaching Methods

Listening, speaking and reading methods

Ⅴ.Teaching Procedures

Step One: Greetings

Greet the whole class.

Step Two: Lead-in

Tell the students something about my family members’ jobs to lead in the topic of this period.

Step Three: warm up

Lead the students study new words by different methods. For example, listen and choose the jobs, perform and tell the jobs, see a part of some pictures and guess the jobs. And then have the students review the words together.

Step Four: Presentation

1. Play the game “Who has the best eyes” to help the students understand jobs more clearly.

2. Ask and answer:

-What do you want to be when you grow up? –I want to be a/an…

-How are you going to do that? –I am going to …

Step Five: Practice and activities

1. Provide sample conversation to help the students make their own conversations.

2. Have the students talk about their dream jobs and how they are going to do to make their dreams come true . Then share the results with others.

Step Six: Consolidation

Work in a group of four or five students. Ask each other about everyone’s dream jobs and what he/she is going to do. Then make a list with “be going to” to report to the whole class.

Step Seven: Summary and suggestion

Today we talked about something about jobs. And I’ve heard a lot about your dreams. I’m very glad to hear that you know how to make your dreams come true. But I also have a suggestion for you ,that is, hold fast to your dreams, and try your best, they will come true one day.

Step Eight: Homework

Write a short article about “My dream job”, using “be going to”. Perhaps several years later, when you read your article once again, you’ll see clearly how you grow up.

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