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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版八年级上册Section B 2a —2e下载详情
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Promises you make to yourself are resolutions.

②They are different kinds of resolutions.

③ They’re going to take up a hobby like painting.

④ Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep.

2. Ability Goals:

Train students’ speaking, listening, reading and writing skills

Train students’ communicative competence.

3. Moral Goals:

Make students plan their lives.

Teaching Important Point:

Read the passage and finish the task.

Train students’ reading, speaking, writing skills.

Teaching Difficult Point:

Discuss the best resolution is to have no resolutions.

Teaching Methods:

Scene Method

Group work,


Listening Method

Teaching Tools;


活动1. step 1 .Preparation(warm up )

At the beginning of the class, the teacher makes a small game .The teacher says an order, at the same time, the teacher does it. Like when the teacher says “touch my head”, the teacher touches her own head. The teacher gives students examples. Then invites two students to come in front of the blackboard .The teacher says an order, the students do the activities. Like “touch your head, touch your mouth ,turn around ,turn left ,turn right ,stand up ,sit down. To improve the interest, the teacher can say the same order for the second time or the third time. This activity can increase the students’ interest quickly.

活动2.step2 Preparation

The teacher says “New Year is coming; it’s time to make New Year’s Resolutions. First let’s watch video slip. The teacher plays the video slips, the slips is about making New Year’s resolutions. The teacher uses the real students in her own class. In the slips, three students talk about their own resolutions. This activity is close to students. They can have the same feelings. Through the activity, the teacher can lead in to 2a. “Did you make any resolutions last year?”

活动3.Review the word .(before the reading)

To make it finish the reading tasks, new words are taught before the class. But in order to make the passage easy. It’s necessary to review the new words. The teacher let students listen to the tapes and read the word after it.

活动4.Task1 (while the reading )

Step1. Read the passage for the first time, overall the text. (整体感知课文)(5’)

Step2. Match each paragraph with its main purpose. (3’)(把主要目的与段落匹配)

