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师梦圆初中英语教材同步鲁科五四制版七年级下册Section B 1a-1e下载详情
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Step1 【导入】

Ⅰ. Look at the pictures of some Chinese traditional festivals, present the new words: traditional, celebrate.

Ⅱ.Watch a video about different “thanks”, feel “thanks”.


To help the Ss learn the target language in different ways.

To arouse the Ss’ interests and lead into “Thanksgiving”.

Step2 【讲授】通过阅读,呈现、理解新知 

Read Paragraph One and answer five question, learn the new words in the first part: traveler, England.

设计意图:To learn the target language while reading.

Step3 【导入】利用问题,导入新知 评论 .

Ⅰ.What is the main dish of the Thanksgiving meal? Well, do you like turkey? Can you make a turkey dinner?

Ⅱ.Number the pictures.

设计意图:To know the procedures of making turkey.

Step4 【讲授】通过图片,呈现、理解新知 

Show the pictures of ingredients and procedures, present the new words and phrases: pepper, mix, oven, plate, gravy,

mix…together…, fill…with…, cover…with…, cut…into…

Learn how to describe the procedures in English.

设计意图:To learn the procedures of making turkey without book, to make the reading easy.

Step5 【活动】操练新知,熟练掌握 评论 .

Groupwork: read Paragraph Two, make conversations to describe the procedures of making turkey.

设计意图:To describe a process masterly.

Step6 【练习】多样练习,巩固新知

Choose the pictures of different kinds of traditional foods, do the exercises behind them, check up the answers.

设计意图:To make doing exercises interesting. To check if the students learn well.

Step7 【活动】心怀感恩,情感升华.

Ⅰ. Enjoy the verselet.

Ⅱ.Write the words from the heart on the sticker and put it up to the big red heart.

Ⅲ.Speak out the thanks to the people around you.