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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版八年级上册Section B 3a —4 Self check下载详情
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1.Greet the class

2.Listen to an English song: “Whatever will be”. Enjoy some pictures about the future.

Ask: What do you want to be when you grow up?

Step 2 Revision

Free talk:what will the future be like in twenty years?

What will your life be like in twenty years? What will you be in twenty years?

I will be an/a… Where will you live? I will live in ….

What will you do in your free time? I’ll… Get students talk about future.

step 3 While-task(任务中活动) Reading comprehension

Finish 3a .

1. know the meanings of the words in the box

2. Ask students to read the passage for the first time and fill in the chart below. Then check the answers.

Screen the questions and get the students to read the passage again,

4.Ask the students to try to translate the passage.

Read it together.

Step 4 Writing


“Just now, we have learnt what Jill’s life will be like in 20 years. What will your life be like in 20 years? Now write about yourself.”

Finish 3b 3c Let the students write their own passages.

1.Give students a sample, let students fill the chart use their information

2.Get two students to write their passages on the blackboard. Move around to check the progress. Check the passage on the blackboard.

3.Put all the students papers together

4.Take turns reading the paper .The other students guess who wrote it .

Step 5 Post-task(任务后活动)

Do some exercises.

作业: 1. Read and translate the passage 3a.

2. Go over the words in this unit .

板书设计: Unit 7 Will people have robots ? Section B 3a-3c

My life in 20 years I’ll be..... I’ll live in... I’ll .....
