3. A:What's your favorite fruit?
B:My favorite fruit is …….
4. A:What's your favorite drink?
B:My favorite drink is …… (milk shake).
5. What kind of milk shake do you like?
1.watermelon milk shake
2.strawberry milk shake
3.mango milk shake
4.banana milk shake
Can you make a banana milk shake?
Step 2New lessons
1. Say the ingredients we need.
2. Say out the tools we need.
3. Learn how to make a banana milk shake step by step,
1) Peel the banana
2) Cut up the bananas
3) Put the bananas and ice-cream in the blender.
4) Pour the milk into the blender
5) Turn on the blender
6) Drink the milk shake
4.Summarize the making process by giving verb phrases :peel; cut up; put in; pour into drink; turn on.Step 3Quick Response!
Hands up and speak out " peel, cut up/ pour… into/ put … in/ drink/ turn on" quickly.Step 4Exercise (do 1a、1b)
Let students fill the words and phrases in 1a., and then check the answers.
First number the steps in 1b,and then listen to the tape and check the answers.Step 5Group work
Make a banana milk shake.(one student do, the other say the steps , the rest students read the steps after the student.)Step 6Homework
Make a fruit shake for your family,and take a photo of your achievement.
反 思本节课我采用了多媒体教学,把与本节课有关的已学知识进行了复习,并拓展了新课内容。新课一开始就通过大象制作冰激凌的场景,导入新课激起了学生学习兴趣。整堂课比较流畅。唯一的缺陷就是,对于多媒体的操作没有事先熟悉,影响了教学进度。