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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版八年级上册Section B 2a —2e下载详情
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To show how much we’re going to miss her, let’s have a surprise party for her.

II. Ability aims:

. Learn to write invitations and reply to invitations.

. Be able to grasp the reading skills.

III. Emotional aims:

Lead the students to use proper language to make, accept or turn down invitations and give the reasons, it can improve their friendship and cultivate their civilized communicative habits.

IV. Cultural attainment aims:

Through learning, students know the basic common sense of foreign social gatherings, as well as the basic common sense of attending such parties, knowing how to accept invitations or refuse invitations politely.

Teaching key and difficult points:

. Grasp the key words and phrases.

. Learn how to write and reply to invitations.

. Through text reading, relevant information can be obtained to improve students’ comprehensive reading ability.

Teaching methods:

. Situational teaching method

. 3P teaching mode in reading class ( presentation , practice , production )

Teaching aids: Multi-media, PPT

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Greetings and lead-in

Greet the class and then lead in by watching a video “Come to my party today.”

Step 2. Presentation

After the video, show pictures about parties asking students to say what parties they are. Then let students list the other parties people have, such as birthday party, housewarming party, wedding party, surprise party, farewell party and so on.

Step 3. Pre-reading

This term is finishing. A teacher from the US is going back. The students have to say goodbye to their favorite teacher. How will they say goodbye to her?

Before reading, ask students to think about these questions:

1. Do we need to make invitations if we want to have a party?

2. If we have a party, what preparations do we have to make?

3. Do you know how to make an invitation?

4. How to accept an invitation?

5. How to turn down an invitation politely?

Step 4. While-reading

