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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版八年级上册Section B 3a —4 Self check下载详情
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Write a passage to give solutions;

Make some comments on others’ passages and give advice for bettering.

Learn from each other and offer help when others have problems.

Key points:

Students will be able to talk about some common problems and give solutions by using different sentence patterns.

Students will be able to write a passage to give advice.

Difficult points:

Students will be able to write a passage to give solutions;

Students will be able to list some criteria for a good passage and use them to make some comments on others’ passages.

Teaching procedures and time allotment:

Step = 1 ﹨* ROMAN ﹨* MERGEFORMAT I Get to know the problem. (8 mins)

Watch and answer.

Students watch a video and answer:

What happened to the boy?

What advice did his friends give?

The teacher writes down the feedback and ask students for more advice. Then the teacher writes down more sentence patterns for advice.

Get to know the task.

Choose a problem.

Qing Feng magazine made a survey about our students’ problems. Here are the 6 typical ones. Please choose a problem to help with.


“I’m not good at math.”

“I have no enough time for my hobbies.”

3)“I had a fight with my best friend.”

4)“My parents don’t let me play phone games.”

5)“I’m a little heavy.”

6)“I can’t finish my homework on time.”

Step = 2 ﹨* ROMAN ﹨* MERGEFORMAT II Try to find the solutions. (8 mins)

Discuss about the solutions.

Share the results.

Students who choose the same problem form a group and discuss possible solutions. Then the reporter of the group share the ideas with the class.

