If you do, you’ll have a great time…….
能力目标: 能运用If引导的条件状语从句对可能发生的情况进行预测,讨论结果。
情感态度目标: 学会合理地安排事情,脚踏实地,避免空想。
Step1 Leading-in&Objectives (3mins)
Have students watch a video and do actions following the girl in the video.
Ask students questions like “What will you do if you are happy?”“What will you do if you are sad?”.
Give advice “if you are sad, you can go to a party, because if you go to a party, maybe you’ll have a great time” and lead to the title of this class “Unit 6 If you go to the party, you will have a great time!”. Then show the learning objectives.
【设计意图:让学生在轻松的氛围中进入学习。有助于提高他们的积极性,通过观看视频并做相应动作把学生引入到课程中来。并有意识地让其感受if 条件句的使用。通过创设情境,让学生初步感知if句型。】
Step 2 Work on 1a (3mins)
Free talk: Do you often go to parties? Why? If we have a class party, what will you do? How will you go to the party? Who will you go with? What will you wear? What will happen if Cheng Xinxiang wears this ballet skirt to the party? If he does, he will...../we will......Please pay attention to the tense of these sentences.
【设计意图:改变课本枯燥的连线匹配形式,通过free talk 和读图形式进行话题和新知的导入,让学生从本堂课一开始就进入“说”的状态,在说的过程中体会目标句型的使用。Ballet skirt 话题和夸张有趣的图片能够激发学生的兴趣,在笑的过程中引导学生关注if引导的条件状语从句两句话时态的不同。?】
Step 3 Work on 1b (3mins)
Have students listen to see what the four students will do and what will happen. Then check answers by having student A read the statements and student B read the responses.
Step 4 Work on 1c (3mins)
Ask students to use the sentences in 1b to make conversations, and the teacher gives an example first. (3分钟后找两组学生展示)
Step 5 Simple practice and lucky number game (5mins)
1.Ask students to look at the pictures and try to make a complete sentence with “if....,..will..”
2.Ask students to choose their lucky numbers and finish the tasks.
【设计意图:1.通过complete sentences练习运用目标句型If...will... 2.每一个Lucky number后面其实都是一种情境的创设,而且贴近生活。既让学生练习了目标句型,又培养了学生表达能力和发散思维。】
Step6 Work on 2a&2b (4mins)
1.Play the recording and ask students to listen and write down key words.
2. Ask students to answer the questions using “if....,..will..” structure.
3.Check answers and ask students to sum up what Mark and Nelly mainly talked about their class party.
【设计意图:写关键词能够提高学生的听力效率,同时让学生用“if....,..will..” 完整句子来回答,也有助于进一步掌握目标语言。延伸问题的提出是对听力材料的进一步处理,旨在培养学生归纳和概括能力,同时为下一环节做好铺垫。】
Step 7 Work on 2c (8mins)