= 1 ﹨* ROMAN I . Pre-reading:
1. Warming up
Teacher interacts with students about helping each other.
T:Do you usually help others?
S: Yeah
T:Do you feel happy then?
S: Very happy and proud.
T: Did someone ever help you?
S: Yes.
T: How do you feel then?
S: Happy and thankful.
T: How do you usually thank someone who helps you?
2. Discussion and presentation
Teacher presents the following question on the board and let students discuss it in pairs
How do you usually thank someone who helps you? Discuss this with your partner.
After discussion, Teacher asks some students the question and elicit a thank-letter. And lead in the reading material, a thank-you letter from Mr. Smith to Miss Li. Before reading, Teacher presents the Learning Objectives:
1.The story of Ben Smith
2.The parts of speech 词性
3.Useful words and expressions
= 2 ﹨* ROMAN II . While-reading
1. Skimming快速阅读
Reading skill: Look quickly through the first paragraph of the letter to find the key idea without reading every word.
Read the first paragraph of the letter and answer the questions.
1). Who wrote the letter to Miss Li? Why?
Ben Smith. Because he wants to thank her for sending money to Animal Helpers and to tell her what difference Lucky makes to his life.
2). What did Miss Li do?