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师梦圆初中英语教材同步鲁科五四制版七年级下册Section B 1a-1d下载详情
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  When accidents happen, know how to deal with them calmly.

Teaching Key Points:

(1) Words and expressions:?

Feel sick, cut one’s knee, have a nosebleed, fall down, cut oneself , have problems breathing, get hit by a ball,? hurt one’s back or arm, get sunburned


Teaching Difficult Points:

 Train and develop the students’ listening ability.

 Teaching Methods:

 1. Listening method.

 2 .Pairwork.

Teaching Aids:

  CAI, A tape recorder.

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Warming up

? Task

T: You know, there are lots of problems in our life. If you are a doctor, please tell us how to solve the problem. I will divide you into 7groups. Please work in groups. And then choose one of you to report your ideas.

  The following are the problems:

  I have a toothache.

  I am hungry. I have a sore throat.

  I am stressed out.? I have a sore back.

  I am tired.? I can’t sleep.

  I have a cold. I have a headache.


  If you have a headache, you should go to bed early.?

  You should see the doctor. You should eat some medicine.?

  You shouldn’t wash your face with cold water.

  You shouldn’t sleep late.

  You shouldn’t swim.


  T encourages the students to give advice as much as possible.