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师梦圆初中英语教材同步鲁教五四制版八年级上册Section B 3a-3b下载详情
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1. Teaching methods: Task-based approach; Communicative approach.

2. Learning methods: Co-operative approach; Take notes; Writing skills四、教学思路

本课是一节写作课。从基于文本的学习到分享改进老师的文章再到谈论并描写自己难忘的事件。在授课之前先播放巴黎圣母院失火这一大事件引出今天的写作话题,进而引导学生说出谈论一个事件需要的各个要素。写前基于文本中事件的谈论,采用文章对比的学习方式,通过个人思考,两人讨论等,挖掘和学习描写事件需要的写作技巧,比如内容从哪些方面入手,时态的选用,语言结构的巧妙应用等各方面入手。挖掘完教材,以“我”生活中难忘的一件事为范例,教师特意给学生一篇不“完美”的篇章,让学生思考并利用刚才所学的技巧对这篇文章提出改进的建议,进而夯实学生在描写事件上的写作要点。写作完进行组内评选作文,让学生在在合作中互相促进,在展示中共同成长。五、教学环境及资源准备Textbook, Seewo-PPT, whiteboard, Internet, studio-classroom六、教学过程教学目的教师活动学生活动设计意图Teaching and learning aims Show the aims to the studentsRead the aims and keep them in mindMake the students know the aims and help them behave betterStep 1:

Lead inPlay a video:

T:First of all, let's watch a video, what happened?

T: How much do you know about the event?

T:What do you want to know more about it?Watch the video and answer my questions

To arouse students' interest and lead them into today's topic. Step 2:

Before writing1. Think and share:

How to describe an event?(in what aspects)Think and share their ideas about the questions.To make them clear about the content of an event.2. Show the picture of Martin Luther King and ask:

Who is he? Do you still remember this event?Use their background knowledge to review the event from what, when, where, who, why etc.To use the previous knowledge to know how to describe an event.3. Compare and learn:Read a short passage about the event. Then compare with the passage in the textbook.

Think: Which one is better? Why do you think so?Comparing the two passages, think and share: Which one I like better? Why?

(find out the good words and sentences)By comparing, make students find more good points from the passage in our textbook.4. Share and give advice:

An unforgettable thing in my life

Can you help me to make it better?

Other advice from my friendRead and get to know my unforgettable thing. Think: Is it good enough in writing? If not, how to make it better?

After learning from comparing, give students a situation to use what they have learn. Step 3:

While writing1. Ask them to take notes about an event they remember well.

(fill in the table)Take notes about an event you remember you remember well. To make notes and get ready to write the event.2. Share their unforgettable thing with each other.Ask and answer in pairs.(according to the table)To make sure they know how to use the full sentences with correct tenses to describe the event.3. Write dawn the event they remember well. Try to write in three paragraphs. (beginning, body, ending )Write the event.To use what they have learnt.Step 4:

After writing1. Correct your writing in a group.Work in group of 4.

Choose one writing and correct together. give comments and advice from different aspects.To work together and learn from each other.2. Show time: Share their writings and give comments and advice.One student shares reading while other three students give comments and advice from different aspects.To provide chances for them to show themselves and learn from each other.作业布置Correct your writing with what you have learnt during the class.

Rewrite your passage to make it more beautiful and fluent

And share with your friends.课后反思 本节课是一节写作课,描写一件难忘且重要的事,


1. 教学设计清晰简洁,从导入、写前的学习铺垫到写中以及写后的点评分享,环节齐全,衔接自然。

2. 借助于文本,学习写作要点,结构以及语言,整个过程突出学生的活动,有独立思考,两人讨论以及四人合作,注重培养学生的思维以及思辨能力。

3. 写作前的梯子搭建的平稳,以学生实际认知为基础,循序渐进,学生有了充分的铺垫才开始自己的写作,这样学生才能发挥自己的优势,写出质量较高的文章来。


1. 整节课中对时间的把控还不够成熟,比如写前的整个铺垫用到了将近二十分钟,存在课堂节奏较慢的问题。

2. 如果把学生的情绪调动的再高一点,课堂会更积极活跃一些。课堂中学生参与展示的面还是有点窄,应关注全体学生。