Step1. Lead in.
Show pictures to this topic,What animal is a symbol of China?—Pandas.
Step2. Pre-reading
Talk about pandas in your class.Use these words to help you.
big bamboo zoo
popularcuteblack and white
[设计意图] 通过单词讨论,为后续学习阅读扫清单词障碍。
Step3..Reading activities
Task 1: first,explain what scaning is.then scan the article and find out what these numbers mean.
10— 12— ?
300— 2,000— ?
Task 2:scan the main phrases on the book;
Run over ,fall over ,die from. Prepare …for.
Task 3: first ,enjoy a short video to help students better understand the passage, Scan the article finish2b,and then cheak the answers
1.What Lin Wei’s job?
2.What do the baby panda have for breakfast?
3..Why are pandas endangered?
4.What does the education program do in Chengdu do?
5.Why are scientists doing research?
[设计意图] 学生先通过速读、搜寻数字、回答问题对短文有全方位的理解,学习怎样用寻读来找到具体的信息和理解文章,以此来提高学生阅读理解的能力。
Step4: After reading
1. Let students match each paragraph with the main idea .and then Let students
choose a good title for the passage.
What’s a good title of the article .?
A. adult pandas
B.the baby pandas
C.save pandas
2.Let students come to 2d,finish 2d ,then,let some students share their answers to cheak answers.