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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版八年级下册Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c下载详情
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IV. Teaching Important Points

Ss can compare present perfect tense to simple present tense.

Ss can use present perfect tense to talk about past experiences.

V. Teaching Difficult Points

Ss can introduce one place in an attractive and interesting way.

VI.Teaching Methods

Task-based teaching methods, Group cooperation, Building up confidence in presentation

VII. Teaching Procedures

Step I. Lead in

Present a picture of Andy Murray on the screen. Ask Ss whether they have heard of him. Watch a short video and answer “Where did he visit on October 03, 2015?”

Ask Ss whether they have been to the White House.

Present the sentences talked before and ask Ss to tell the tense of each sentence.

Step II. Presentation

Ss review the definitions of simple present tense and present perfect tense and pay attention to the time phrases.

Ss tell the differences between simple present tense and present perfect tense. Ask Ss to tell the hiding meanings of each sentence given on the screen.

Step III. Practice

Ask Ss to fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

Up till now, he _________________________(never lend) anything.

__________ you __________ (burn) those old papers yet?

He ____________________ (fight) in Flanders in the First World War.

When ___________ you ______________ (lose) your umbrella?

____________ you _________________ (listen) to the concert last night?

Ask Ss to finish the conversations below.

A: ________ you ________ (want) to come to the space museum?

B: No, I ________________________ (already be) there three times.

________ you ________(see) the robots at the science museum?

B: Yes, I ________________________(go) there last weekend.

A: Let’s ________________________ (spend) the day at the zoo.

B: Well, I ________________________(already be) there a couple of times, but I’m happy _________ (go) again.

A: How about __________ (go) to the art museum? There are some special German paintings there right now.

