Careful reading for the first time
Encourage students to read carefully and answer the following questions:
(1).Why was Wang Kun nervous before she arrived in France?
(2).How does her host family treat her?
They go out of their way to make her feel at home.
Translate the sentence above.
(3).How has her French improved?
(4).What is one particular challenge she is facing?
【设计意图】通过任务型阅读的形式让学生带着四个问题阅读,了解文章的大体意思,并通过翻译重点句子解决本节课的重点词汇。通过最后一个问题导出主题“the table manners of France”.
Careful reading for the second time
Lead students to read carefully and finish the following task. For those who can’t finish the chart can just underline the sentences of the table manners in France.
how to behave at the dinner table in France!
You aren’t supposed to …You are supposed to…put your bread on your plateput your bread on the tableeat anything with your hands except bread (not even fruit)cut fruit up and eat it with a forksay you are fullsay “it was delicious”put your hands in your lapkeep your hands on the table【设计意图】本部分采用分层教学和师友和谐互助的方法。首先为学生搭建法国table manners的框架,并实行分层教学,对于师傅可以直接完成表格,对于学友可以划出关于法国餐桌礼仪的句子,学友可以求助于师傅并在师傅的带动下完成这个表格。通过分层教学尊重学生的差异,通过师友和谐互助提高全班同学的参与程度和知识落实的情况。
Conclude the sentence drills of table manners.
Encourage students to conclude the sentences drills of table manners like:
Dos: You are supposed to do…
It’s polite to…
You should …
Don’ts: You are not supposed to do.
It’s rude to ..
You shouldn’t …
【设计意图】通过框架搭建后鼓励学生总结关于“table manners”的句型,既总结并丰富了目标语言,又为下一步复述课文做了铺垫!
Retell the passage
how to behave at the dinner table in France!
You aren’t supposed to …You are supposed to…put your bread ….put your bread ….eat …cut …Say…say …put your hands …keep your hands …
Encourage students to use the sentence pattern concluded above and retell the passage according to the chart. Retell with the partner.
Step 4 play a game named “magic envelope”
Divide the whole class into five groups and choose the envelope with different tasks and co-operate together to finish the task and show the result to the whole class.