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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版九年级全一册Section B 1a—1d下载详情
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Step 1:Lead-in

T: This class we will continue to learn Unit 9. Before the new class, I would like you to watch a video. It’s about a girl named Chen Haiyuan. After it, you need to answer my two questions.

Q1: What’s her favorite book?

Q2: Why does she like this book?

(after watch it)T: Can anyone answer my questions? How about Q1?

S1: Dream of the Red Chamber.

T: Good! Then Q2?

S2: Because she likes Lin Daiyu very much. She is a beautiful and talented girl and she likes to read and poetize.

(设计意图:观看视频my favorite book引出话题)

Step 2: Presentation

T: Right. For this sentence, we can say in this way. She is a beautiful and talented girl who likes to read and poetize. I also like reading this book. Each time when I read it, it can give me different feelings. So how about your favorite book? And why do you like it?

S1: I like/prefer ....because...

I prefer books that/which are ....

T: What do you also do in your spare time besides reading?

Ss: I would like to watch a movie.

T: What’s your favorite movie and why?

S2: I am fond of movies that are...

T: As for me, I’d like to watch movies that have excellent music. Great music can make me relaxed. Do you have your favorite music? What kind of music do you like?

S3: I like music which is...

T: Do you know any band?

S4: Yes, ....is my favorite band because...

I am fond of bands which can write their own songs.

T: Well done. It seems that different people have their own favorite things. Now let’s see something about Michael.
