3. The teacher checks the sentences of the first and the last one and asks other students to repeat what they said.
Ⅱ. Present the sentence pattern: should (not) be allowed to…
Tell students the right use of the pattern and
Students share their family rules using the pattern and their feelings.
Students watch a short video carefully and tell us what family rules the boy is breaking.
Are there any other rules?
Imagine if there is a new student in your class, and you're the one to tell him the class rules. What will you tell him?
设计意图:语言学习的一个重要任务是solve problems, 所以让学生帮助转学生了解本校的班规和校规,既可以让学生使用新学句型,更可以让学生有学校小主人的归属感。
Ⅲ. Group work
1. Debate: Are we allowed to use cellphones in the classroom?
Draw lots to decide the positive and negative sides as well as the PK order.
2. Run for the assistant principal.
Step 1. Elelct 3 canditates to give compaign speeches(竞选演说).
Step 2. Each group will vote(投票).
Step 3. Award a certificate to the winner.
3. Discussion: Each group discusses the differences between China and Britain.
设计意图:将课本P52 4B改编成 讨论 ,有助于学生进行积极思考,小组讨论可以帮助学生了解更多两国的差别,为下一环节的演讲准备丰富素材。
4. Make a speech
The topic is as follows:
Will you be a British parent OR a Chinese parent? Why?
Will you be a British child OR a Chinese child? Why?
Ⅳ. Summary and Assessment: award certificates to the best performers.
Ⅴ.Homework: Make a poster for your reading club. You should include rules about what should and should not be allowed.