It’s a context-based grammar lesson for active and passive voices for modal verbs in both affirmative and negative sentences. The teacher will explain and make the students practice in the real-life context through various activities instead of mechanical drills.
The main approach is to develop the class in a word - sentence – passage order.
The lesson outcome will be students’ original rules for a club they may want to set up using 4 different sentence patterns.
Teaching Objective:
General objective:
Target vocabulary
Target grammar
Key & difficult points
Method & materials:
Students will:
understand the difference among the 4 sentence patterns (see Bb design) and be able to apply them;
change forms of verbs when turned into passive voice correctly;
write rules for a club with all 4 patterns.
No new vocabulary;
Review irregular past participle verbs.
The active and passive voices of modal verbs in both affirmative and negative sentences.
Passive voice for both affirmative and negative sentences.
verb form change;
distinguish subject and object of a sentence;
negative passive.
set examples practice expand;
compare and convert;
pair work and group work to practice, discuss and brainstorm;
contextual practice.
cards for the guessing game;
handouts for club rule writing.
Lesson segment
Teaching procedure
Learning activity