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师梦圆初中英语教材同步鲁教五四制版九年级全一册Section B 2a-2e下载详情
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heuristic models of teaching, task guidance, group work;

reading skill: supporting details

IV. Teaching procedure

Step1. Lead-in

Play a guessing game about Abing.

Listen to Erquan Yingyue to tell own feelings.

Step2. Fast reading

Match the main idea with each paragraph.

Step3. Careful reading

1. Read para.1 carefully, then fill in the blanks in the mind map. Try to retell the paragraph according to it.

Read para.2 carefully, then retell about Abing’s life according to the timeline.

Question: Now, can you understand the sadness in his music?

Read para.3, and answer the questions.

What’s the pity for Abing’s pieces of music?

Is Erquan Yingyue still popular today? How do you know?

Discussion in groups

How to understand” Sad but Beautiful” in Erquan Yingyue?

Step4. Writing

Write an introduction about Abing for the Music magazine according to Abing’s ID card and the article. It can include his life, music and your opinions about him.

Abing was a Chinese folk musician.________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I believe you will also like him and his music.

Step5. Affective education Make efforts for China’s culture prosperity.

moved moved

I almost _______ along with it as I listened

The music was___________, but I sensed a strong______ and __________.

It was one of the _____________ pieces of music that I have ever heard.


By age 17

After Abing got married

His life grew worse.
