Step l: Lead-in
Pair work
Look at the pictures and talk about the weekend
A: How was your weekend?
B: It was great /OK /not bad/not very good...
A: What did you do last weekend?
B: ...
(设计意图:以Greetings和Pair work的方式导入,学生很快就能进入角色,搜索大量的活动短语,积极踊跃地举手交流,既培养了学生大胆开口的能力,又活跃了课堂气氛。)
Step 2: Presentation
1. Look at the pictures of Lisa and Paul. They are talking about their weekends. Then what did they do? How was about their weekend?
2. Look at the following picture and guess what Lisa did.
Step 3:Role-play the conversation. (2d)
1.Listen and read 2d silently.默读2d,根据图片看你的猜测是否正确?
2. Read 2d, and find out the answers to the questions.
Q1: How was Lisa’s weekend?
Q2: Where did she go?
Q3: What did she do there?
Q4: What did Paul do last weekend?
3. Role-play the new conversations that students make by themselves.
(学法指导:请几组学生为全班表演对话,看哪组表演得好。提醒他们声音要洪亮、发音要清晰准确、仪态要自然。教师可以给其他学生布置听力任务,如要求他们听后回答:What did he/she do?)
Step 5: Work on 3a
1. Look at 3a. Fill in the blanks with who, what, when, where or how.