4、文化意识目标: 了解英语国家中介绍他人的方式 体会友谊这种珍贵而美好的情感,培养尊重他人的行为规范。
二、教学重点: 掌握friend tall short thin fat的正确书写和读音。 .学生能够认读和运用单词
学生能够运用句型This is____来介绍他人。
Step One: Warm-up and Revision:
1、 Greeting each other arouse interests of learning English by using the phrases“Hello, boys and
girls. How are you? Nice to meet you.” (设计意图:课前师生亲切的交谈,亲切的问候,能够稳定学生情绪.)
2、 Revision. Using the phrases the students have learnt in Unit One. Such as: What’s your name?
What’s her name? What’s his name? to ask and answer . (设计意图:对前一单元所学的知识进行复习,为下面的新授知识做铺垫)。
3、Listen to a song “Find a friend”
T: Well done, boys and girls. I am very happy you know everyone in our classroom. I think you are good friends. So a song will be given you to be a prize. (设计意图:运用歌曲的方式激发学生参与到教学中来,渲染课堂英语气氛,培养了学生学习英语的兴趣,为下面新课中的
Step Two: Presentation T: Do you have a friend? I have many friends. Where are they? Let’s call them out. (课件出示:可以是学生们熟悉的卡通人物,也可以是第一单元中学生熟悉的人物)
1、In this step the teacher will show a picture of a boy to present “he” and “friend” . Like this:
T: Look . Is this a boy or a girl?
Ss: A boy.
T: Yes .He is a boy. (The students read the word “ he” one by one or by line write on the blackboard.) His name is Danny. He is my friend. (The students read the sentence one by
one or line by line and write it on the blackboard.)
2. In this step the teacher and the students will talk about the second picture of a boy together.
3. In this step the students will talk about the third picture of a boy.
4. 课件出示知识窗:
语音介绍(小朋友们,你们真聪明,懂得了he 用来指一个小男孩,也懂得了friend 朋友一词真正含义)
5.用同样的方法来介绍she. (设计意图:让学生在感知、感悟中进行自主探索学习,有助于知识的掌握和融会贯通) 注意:在师生、生生互动时,教师应抓住时机通过教师的语言和肢体语言来对学生进行德育教育,以完成情感目标。
Step Three: Play a game“ find friends in the classroom ” 学生唱着找呀,找呀,找朋友找到一个好朋友,然后停下来,来介绍自己的朋友。 (设计意图:这个游戏的运用,实际上是创设了英语情境。英语的口语交际正使他们达到学以致用的目的。这样,才能使新的知识变为自己灵活运用的语言。即从模仿到替换到真正意义的应用)
Step Four: Presentation 1、利用手偶王红来介绍This is ____句型。
T: Thank you very much. You all have many friends. Today two new friends will learn English with us. Do you want to know who they are? Look ,here they come.
手偶王红打招呼:Hello, boys and girls .
T: Let me introduce her. This is Wang Hong .