教学过程 :
1.热身导入 :
T: First, let’s have a race to review the numbers and the letters. I will give you some points if you are fast .
③用 “Follow me” 师生合作来完成一些以学过的对话。
T: Ok ,boys and girls ,let’s do a dialogue together ,show me your hands and follow me please.
(师生一起边拍手边问已学过的句子两遍,教师随机拍一个学生的肩膀请他来回答。例:师、生:How are you ?生1:I’m fine ,thank you .)
④在对话的过程中直接引出 “How old are you ?”并板书,并告知学生本课的任务是:能用所学知识询问和回答关于年龄和电话号码的问题。
2.新句型“How old are you ?”和“What’s your phone number ?”的操练及运用。
T: Read this sentence after me ,please .
T: Let’s read it group by group .
T: Read it two by two.
T: Now I ask , you answer .
玩一个游戏 ---“老狼,老狼你几岁?”。 借用“老狼,老狼几点钟?”的游戏,用中文讲解游戏规则,师戴上头饰,生问“How old are you ?”师随机回答,当师回答“I’m ten.”时学生要抱头躲避。
②T: Now please look at the screen , look carefully and tell me what you see.
(用Flash 展示一个城市里来了一头狼。 “This is a city , look ,what happened ? ”“Yes ,this is a wolf ,it’s very dangerous.”
③游戏结束,顺势说明狼是很危险的动物我们要找警察帮忙,通过询问电话警局的号码导出新句型“what’s the phone number?”
T: Boys and girls , I think the wolf is very dangerous ,so what can we do ?
T: Yes , I think we need to call the policeman . what’s the phone number? (师拿出手机提示学生领会这个问题的意思)
T: ok ,let me try .(师按手机假装拨通电话,Flash 显示狼被警察抓住的画面。)
④展示其它的幻灯片让学生猜它们的电话号码,进一步操练 “What’s the phone number ?”
T: let’s see some pictures and guess “What’s the phone number ?”
⑤用各种方式操练新句型“ What’s your phone number ?”
T:Read it after me.
T: one by one .
T: Now who can tell me “what’s your phone number?”
3.听磁带,读课文 .