Step 3: Presentation
教授句子:They are good for you.
引导学生将食物分类为健康食物和不健康食物:Look at the food. Can you divide them into healthy food and unhealthy food? Healthy food means they’re good for you. (边说句子边竖起大拇指,引导学生一起做,并跟读句子。)Unhealthy food means they’re not good for you
情感教育:So let’s enjoy healthy food, enjoy good life.
教授句子:What’s for breakfast?
T: Look! Sally and her family are having breakfast. What’s for breakfast? 出示句子条,范读,让生跟读,个别读。明白意思并板书。
3. 教授单词:milk, bread, tomato, tomatoes
学生看完视频后回答问题:What’s for breakfast? 引出单词milk, bread, tomato, tomatoes的教学。在教授单词tomato时,出示tomato和tomatoes 对比操练。让学生观察得出tomato的复数形式加es.
4.将单词补充完整T: Can you write? (利用希沃白板的书写功能)
br__ __d m__l__ t__m__t__
5.教授单词:them及句子:I like them.
T: Now we know Sally’s breakfast. Does she like her breakfast? Pay attention to what she says? Watch the video again. 看完视频,T: Sally says: “I like them.” 教词,带读。
6. 跟读课文。
Step 4:Practice
1、操练句子What’s for breakfast? (机械操练)
T: Look! Do you know who is she? Yes, it’s me. This is my breakfast this morning. What’s for breakfast? Can you guess? Who can guess? 请一位学生回答后,教师利于Hi-teach的抢答器让学生再抢答一次。之后教师擦除图片,揭示答案。(利用Hi-teach的抢答功能和希沃白板的蒙层功能)
2、操练句子:What’s for breakfast? (情景操练)
T: Now you know my breakfast. What about yours? What’s for breakfast?师拿起餐盘,绕着全班走,边走边问:What’s for breakfast?全班学生拍手打节拍。师走到一位学生面前,提问,练习所学对话。再请该生拿起餐盘,询问下一个学生。以此再问两个。
Step 5: Expansion(利用Hi-teach上传文件功能)
1、T: Apples are very nice. They are good for you. What about Feifei’s breakfast? Let’s watch the video.通过飞飞早餐视频,引出帮助飞飞减肥的活动。让学生设计减肥计划后,小组讨论最佳方案,拍照上传。教师查看学生所写内容,批改,并随机抽取2组展示。
2. 小调查
T: In different places, there are different kinds of breakfast. Let’s watch the video. Even in Fuzhou, the breakfast is different. Here are five kinds of breakfast for you. Which one do you like best? Please choose.
4、情感升华:Food makes the world more colorful.