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师梦圆初中英语教材同步沪教版七年级上册Listening 'School clubs' & Speak up 'Clubs at my school'下载详情
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能使用已学过的句型如if从句, It is adj. to do sth. 句型, so that等介绍社团


2)引导学生从club name, teacher, day to meet, place to meet, time to meet , activities 和 ending 几个方面介绍社团教学难点1)根据关键词进行信息转述;2)小组讨论, 介绍小组的ClubTeaching proceduresTeacher’s activities Students’ activitiesAimsStep1: Lead-in

Play a video about after school clubs

Show some pictures about school clubs

Lead Ss to brainstorm some school clubs Watch the video and tick the clubs that are mentioned in the video.

Guess the name of the clubs

Think of some other clubs Icebreaking

to arouse the Ss’ interests Step 2: Pre-listening

Help make the structure clear

Help review how to read time expressions

Make clear the structure of a speech about introducing a club

review how to read time expressionsTo lead the Ss read the questions before listening

To review how to read time expressionsStep 3: Listening

Play the recording

Lead Ss to check answers Listen and answer the questions in complete sentences To train Ss’ listening skills Step 4: After listening

Lead Ss to retell the information Retell the information according to the notes To pave the way for the speaking taskStep 5 Speaking

Lead Ss to finish the speaking task by giving an exampleWork in groups of five and introduce their clubTo train Ss’ comprehensive language application ability Step 6: Summary
