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师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版七年级上册Section C下载详情
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2. While dealing with the new words of the passage, I pay more attention to students’ cooperation and response.

3. All these reading tasks expose the students’ reading skills, oral skills and writing skills. When they are answering, discussing, talking and performing , they could make great progress.

4.All the activities, arranged in the pattern: inputting information—processing information—outputting information, are meant to strengthen the integrated skills while reading.


1. Instructional objectives

During and after this class,80%-90% students should

Be able to know and use the words want, buy, cap, pair, shoe, coat, dress, skirt

Be able to talk about someone’s looks and appearance by using the structure “in+color+clothes”

Be able to read between lines and learn to do inference with the help of pictures.

Be able to retell the passage according to the key words.

2. Educational objectives

Students should:

Be more familiar with the reading strategies: skimming, scanning, finding out the key words.

3. Personal objectives

Pay more attention to teaching on reading strategies and consolidate what have been learned.


1. Focus points

1) Developing reading strategies: skimming, scanning, find out the key words

2) Master the usage of the structure ”in+color+clothes”

2. Difficult points

1) The usage of the structure”in+color+clothes”

2) Write a short passage based on the key words.


Stage1 Getting students ready for learning

Step1. Greetings.

Step2. Watch the flash and review the colors.


Stage2 Read and Learn

Step1. Lead-in

Show pictures to learn new words, and go on learning the sentence patterns. What color is this …? It’s…What color are those …?They’re…