Step 1 Warming up
Greetings and free talk
Let’s sing.
Watch a vedio of the song “What’s your favourite season?” and then sing after it.
Step 2 Presentation& practice
Introduce the new word “season”
T:What can you see in the picture?
Ss: Flowers./ Birds./A tree in different seasons…
Present the word card of “season”. Teach the pronunciation by using the method of phonics.
T:How many seasons are there in a year?
2.Introduce the new words “spring” “summer” “fall” and “winter”
1)Show a picture on PPT and ask : What can you see in the picture?(Trees/ flowers. )Which season is it?(Spring. )
Show the word card of “spring” and teach its pronunciation by using the method of phonics. Then ask: Do you like spring?
2) Show a picture on PPT and ask : What can you see in the picture? (Sea./ Beach.) Which season is it? (Summer. )
Show the word card of “summer” and teach its pronunciation by using the method of phonics. Then ask: Do you like summer?
3) Show a picture on PPT and ask: What can you see in the picture?( Golden leaves.) Which season is it?( Fall.)
Show the word card of “fall” and teach its pronunciation by using the method of phonics. Then ask: Do you like fall?
4) Show a picture on PPT and ask: What can you see in the picture? (Snow.) Which season is it? (Winter.)
Show the word card of “winter” and teach its pronunciation by using the method of phonics. Then ask: Do you like winter?
3.Look and say
Look at pictures and speak out the relevant season loudly and quickly.
4.Pair work