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师梦圆初中英语教材同步沪教版七年级上册A school club poster下载详情
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3. Multimedia Computer assisted instructionLearning methods1. Shelf–-learning method

2. Cooperative learning method

3. Presentation methodTeaching proceduresstepsTeacher’s activitiesStudents’ activitiesPurposeStep 1

Lead--inAsk students to play a game.

Which group can say the name of the club quickly?Students say the names of the school clubs.To attract students’ interest about the topic. 2’Step 2

BrainstormingShow some pictures about “school clubs”.

2. Ask students to say the names and introduce their clubs they join.Students introduce

their clubs about some

important things. To ask students to say the things around them.8’Step 3

Advertising the club.Ask students two questions.

Do you think which club is “the most popular club”.

How do you do to attract new members for your club?Students think of some ways of introducing their clubs to others.To ask students to use different ways to introduce their clubs.4’Step4 Studying the poster.Firstly, the teacher shows some different posters to the students.

Then, ask students conclude what a poster should contain .Students look at some club posters and discuss with other students. Finally, they conclude the factors of a poster.To ask students to learn further how to write a poster.8’Step 5

Make a school club posterEach group chooses a school club and makes a poster.

The teacher gives out paper and colorful pens.

After a few minutes, one student presents the poster.Each group chooses a different school club and begins to make a poster.

Each group presents his own poster.To ask students to practice making a poster according to what they have learnt.


Step 6

SummaryStudent summarizes:

1. What did we learn this lesson?

2. What are the four factors of a poster?Step7

HomeworkComplete the poster of your group and put up on the wall of your classroom tomorrow.Blackboard designUnit 7 A school club poster SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT Teaching Reflection

According to this lesson,I realize that it’s very helpful for students to learn about different types of articles. Students can use different ways to communicate information.

A poster

A headline

Important information


Some interesting photos/pictures

Some more information
