2. 运用“学中演”活动,给学生提供一个表演的平台,激发他们的学习兴趣。
3. 引导学生关注重读、连读等语音符号,渗透“美读”策略,培养学生良好的语音语调,读出文本的美。
4. 通过Phonics拼读、小诗的改编,提升学生拼读的能力和文本再构能力。
1. Let’s chant
2. Let’s spell
3. The title of the story.1.Let’s chant
2.Read the words.
3.Know the title of the story.通过小诗热身,活跃课堂气氛。
While-reading1.Guess: What animal is this?
2.Show the cover of the story and ask: What can you see in the picture?
3.Guess: Where are the snails going?1.Look at the pictures and guess the animal.
2.Look at the cover and say something about the picture.
3.Guess: Where are the snails going?通过老师的描述和图片的提示,引出故事的主人公。
4.Guess: How are they going to Spain?
5.Can they catch the train( bike/ ship)?
6.Guess: What will they do on such a long way?4. Guess: How are the snails going to Spain?
5. Answer the questions and say the reasons.
6.Guess: What will they do on such a long way?引导学生进行预测发散,促进学生思维发展。
通过猜、读、演的方式一层层引出故事,并学习故事;激发学生的学习兴趣,促进语言学习。7. Listen to the whole story.7.Look at the story book and listen to the whole story. 通过整体阅读绘本,感受绘本的美;同时,让学生感受标准语音语调,培养学生细心聆听的好习惯。8. Read after the tape.8. Read after the tape. Try to imitate the voice.跟录音仿读,培养学生正确的语音语调。
Post-reading 1. Reading PK.1. Reading PK. Try to read the story beautifully.通过阅读PK,对学生进行“美读”的指导。2.Try to read.2. Try to read the words.通过拼读训练,帮助进一步巩固“ai”的发音。3.Let’s enjoy a chant.3. Enjoy the chant.通过小诗的朗读,培养学生的美读能力。4.Try to make a new chant in groups.4. Try to use the words and make a new chant.通过小组创作新的小诗,培养学生的合作精神和文本再构能力。Assignment after class1. Tell the story to your mum and dad.
2. Make a new chant and share with your friends.