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How are you going there? 回答:直接用交通工具



教学工具:微课,多媒体(金太阳), moodle 平台上的练习


Warm up

1. Free talk, 师生对话,Where are you going this Sunday?I am going to ….. How are you going there? 学生说I am going there ….by ,T:look at them. Where are they going ?pupils say :They are going to Shanghai/Hong Kong, T: They are going to Hong Kong, today we will learn Unit7 We will go by train (板书课题)

二、 Presentation

1、在moodle 平台T:Please watch the unit 7, try to understand “How will you go to Hongkong? We will go by train(微课内容Unit7 We will go by train,微课以复习by car, by train 表达乘坐交通工具入手,复习旧知,之后微课出现Hainan island, Hong Kong, Window of the world, Happy valley, How will you go there? I will go by ship. 通过以上四个对话练习,引导学生理解重点句子How will you go…? I will go by….,再通过三个拓展对话巩固句型,通过微课,学生自主学习,探究How will you go there? I /We will go by car意思)

3.学生在观看微课的时候,老师板书句子 How will you go to Hainan Island? I/We will go there by ship. 观看结束后,老师提问how do you say this sentence.检查学习效果,接着老师打开课件,通过课件检查学生在微课上学习单词和句子的效果。

(1)teach new words by taxi

(2)teach new words Island

过渡T: Island, I like Hainan Island, I will go to Hainan Island for three days with my family on my summer holiday. It’s very exciting. We will leave Guangzhou in July. 板书单词leave exciting

(3)teach new words train

(4)teach new words Happy Valley

4. 引出课文对话学习。过渡语:In Hainan we are going to swim and we are going to eat sea food. I am sure we will have a good time in Hainan Island. What about Ben?

(1)moodle 平台T: look at task 2,通过课文动画,师生对话,Where will Ben go this holiday?How will Ben go there?

(2) 听课文对话,了解小朋友们最喜欢乘坐交通工具是什么。

(3) 全班齐读对话。

(4) 学生以小组角色朗读并扮演角色朗读。

(5) 看提示词背诵unit7

(6) 在moodle平台根据课文意思选择最佳答案。


1. T: look at tast 3, please look at Tim’s traveling plan and write down your traveling plan. 观看moodle平台上Tim’s travelling plan,阅读理解后,仿照例子写自己和家人一篇旅游计划。并把自己的作文上传到moodle平台上。


四、Sum up:通过对本单元的学习,让学生掌握交通方式的词汇与句型,能够自如地运用所学句子进行简单的日常交流,增强英语语感,从而促进学生学习英语的兴趣。


1. read the text three times, and write down the new words.

2. 写一篇旅游计划

六、板书:Unit7 We will go by train.