师梦圆 - 让备课更高效、教学更轻松!
师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版七年级上册Section B下载详情
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(2) The sentence pattern

---Where does she work?

---She works in a school.

(二) Ability objective

Develop the habits of listening and speaking.

(三) Emotion objective

Train the students’ sense of cooperation by working in groups.

Let students know we should respect each other.


教师活动学生活动教学意图反思Step1 Leading in

▲ Greeting

▲ show some pictures.

▲ Ask some questions to arouse the structure.

Where does she work?

She works in a school.Chant and look at the pictures and say them out quickly.课前活动旨在唤起学生已有的知识,在进行巩固复习的同时,为新课做好铺垫。

Step2 Pair work

▲Ask students to practice the dialogue with their partners. Practice the dialogue with partners.在练习对话的过程中,巩固句型短语。Step3 Reading

▲Ask students to read 1a .

Read 1a after the tape and then read it by themselves.学生通过跟录音读1a,能够巩固已学词汇,短语及句型,同时能纠正读音,学习读课文的语音语调。Step4 Make a new dialogue.

▲ let students make a new dialogue with their group members.Make a new dialogue and then act it out.让学生灵活运用所学的短语以及句型。把知识运用到生活实践当中。

Step5 play a game.

▲Let students guess what he/she is.

He teaches English well.

He works in an office.

He drives a bus

Guess what he/she is .And then show the card for us.让学生巩固所学的知识,并为之后的报告做好铺垫。Step6 Group work:

▲make a survey and do a report.. Make a survey with group members and then do a report for class.此环节旨在检验学生是否能够在真实的语言环境下熟练、准确和恰当地使用本课所学知识。Step 7 General Summary

The words: restaurant farm hospital

The expressions: on a farm in a restaurant in an office

Sentence: Where does she work?