(2)能够听、说、读、写单词interesting和 month。
2. 能力目标
(1)能够在图片、实物或情景的帮助下运用句型: When did you...? Where did you go in...? What did you do there? 描述过去旅行活动的有关信息。
(4) 能够在语境中正确理解 interesting和 month的语义。
3. 情感态度,学习策略
When did you...? Where did you go in...? What did you do there?
2. interesting的读音。
1. 教师准备:多媒体课件、词卡、课堂奖励贴画等。
2. 学生准备:英语课本、学习用品
1. 热身活动
①通过歌曲 Old MacDonald had a farm.营造轻松愉快的课堂气氛,通过与学生的交流,引入本节课的话题。
②Free talk通过与学生的交流引入自己周末活动的谈论。Last weekend, I went to the supermarket and bought many things. 为导入 Look and listen做准备。
③ Look and listen:课件呈现Lingling,教师辅助语言介绍Lingling came back from the US. Let’s listen and find out: How many places can you hear? What are they? 引导学生听录音并找出四个地点 Hollywood、 Disneyland、 Chinatown、 New York呈现四个地点的图片并教学。
2. 新知呈现
①课件呈现 Look and listen,教师辅助语言介绍Lingling came back from the US. Let’s listen and find out: How many places can you hear? What are they? 引导学生听录音并找出四个地点 Hollywood、Disneyland、 Chinatown、 New York呈现四个地点的图片并教学。
②教师通过多媒体课件,出示课本中的人物:Ann, Lingling. 教师辅助语言:Ann and Lingling are at Lingling’s home. They are talking about the travelling photos in the US. What did Ann want to know? She wants to know the 、 、 and . 教师播放录音,让学生听录音并圈出。
③导入板块Look, listen and say的学习,在核对问题的过程中板书句型 When did you go to the US? Where did you go in the US? What did you do there? 并教学。
④Read and answer:When did Lingling go to the US? Where did Lingling go in the US? What did Lingling do there? 课件呈现问题,让学生阅读文本,再次理解文本内容,并学习 month 、 interesting 的语用功能。
⑤ 表演对话: