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师梦圆小学英语教材同步科普版三年级起点四年级下册Lesson 4 Where are you from?下载详情
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Where are you from ? I’m from...

be good at ...


三.Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Greeting

Good morning,my dear children.Good mornng,Ms Ma.

Are you ready for our class? Yes,we are ready!( actions)

Wonderful,boys and girls.Today we’ll go on learning

Lesson 4 Read We are a big family .

First let’s sing the beautiful song: Where are you from? You can shake your heads,clap your hands and move your bodies.

Step 2 Warm-up and lead in

Sing the song. Where are you from ?

Great,boys and girls!You sing so well.You know so many countries from the song.It’s really a wonderful song.

Now,lookat me carefully.Guess:What am I drawing?

What’s this? Yes. it’s a map of China. What does it look like ? It looks like a rooster. Right.it’s like a big strong and proud rooster.It means our China is so great,so powerful !

Look,what’s this? It’s Beijing .Great,you know our capital,Beijing. How about our hometown Henan? Do you know where Henan is? Look,our hometown Henan is about here,it’s in the middle od China.

China is so big.Besides Beijing and Henan province,what other provinces do you know?

Hunan Anhui Yunnan...

Yaiwan ,Great,Taiwan is a part of China.

Wonderful,boys and girls.You know so many provinces. Look at the map of China,there are 34 provinces in China. I’m proud of China.I love China! We are all from Henan.

Today there are some new friends here. Do you want to know where they are from ? Now first let’s guess. You can say I think ...

Step 3 Presentation Learn the text.

Show the pictures, talk about them.

Picture 1 : Where is she from ? I think she is from Xinjaing. How do you know? Xinjiang people is good at singing and dancing,and their special clothes.

How about the two boys.They are riding.Where are they from? I think they are from Neimenggu /Xizang.Mabye you are right.

2.Now let’s listen and check your answers.

OK,let’s check. Where is she from?

Great.You are right.Congratulations ! She is from Xinjiang.(Write down on the board.) Jilin.Heilongjiang. Tibet. Read it.

3.They are from Xinjiang/Jilin/Heilongjiang/Tibet.We know Xinjiang people are good at singing and dancing.How about other people? What are they good at ? Do you want to know?

Now open your books ,turn to P24 .Read your books ,try to find the answers. Please finish the table.You can write one key word or write a whole sentence.Like Xinjiang or she is from Xinjiang.