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师梦圆小学英语教材同步辽宁师大版三年级起点三年级下册Unit 1 This is my cat.下载详情
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2.Can use the language in their real life.

Teaching aids

Tape, Pictures, ppt, stars

Teaching steps

Step I.Warm-up and revision


T:Now let’s begin our class!Good morning, boys and girls!

  Ss: Good morning! Teacher!

  T:Welcome back to school. How are you ?

Ss: Fine,thank you.And you?

T: I’m fine ,too. Thank you. Let’s sing the song “How are you ?”together,OK?

Ss:OK! ?

Step II. Presentation

1.New words

Look at my fingers, what’s the number? Say it together.

OK. Today we are going to learn the new lesson “Unit 1 This is my cat.”

T Shows the pictures, and say the word:“pencil,pencil, I’m a pencil.” ,then let students make some new sentences..  

1.Look at the hiteboard, ppt shows the picture of “cat” ,and asks“what is it? ”Who can answer me? Let ss answer it. Then teach the new words “cat”

Listen to the tape, read after it for two times. Then read it several times by group. Speak loudly.

2.T:T:Next I will introduce a new “friend”Listen to the tape, who’s coming? Then teach the new words “dog” Let them know the pronunciation of “dog”

Ss: 狗     

T: Now read follow me:“dog,dog,Say the sentence “It’s a dog” with actions .(师领读)Read the word one by one.

3.T:Teacher shows a carrot , and ask a question “what is this ? who eats it?”

Ss: 红萝卜,兔子

T:OK.Let’s lean the new word “rabbit ,a rabbit,I’m a rabbit. ”(领读,男生读,女生读,全班齐读)

Look at the cartoon, then answer the question“what is it?”

Ss: duck

T: Teacher says “I’m a duck.Jump!Jump!Jump!”Let students follw it.

“Who can come here and say the chant?”

2.listen and say