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师梦圆小学英语教材同步辽宁师大版三年级起点三年级下册Review 1下载详情
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T: Hello, girl. Nice to meet you

S: Nice to meet you, too

T: what’s this? what’s that?

S: This is a duck and that is a frog .

T: look at, the duck is tall and the frog is …

S: short

T: Hello, boy. How are you today?

S: I’m fine .

T: what’s this? what’s that?

S: This is a fish and that is a frog .

T: look at, the fish is big and the frog is …

S: small

T: Hello, boy. what’s this? what’s that?

S: This is a turtle and that is a frog .

T: look at, the turtle is gray and the frog is …

S: green

T: good

T: look at a frog and tadpoles ,I will think of a story.

And you?

S: yes .

T: what is it ?

S: 小蝌蚪找妈妈

T: Yes,The tadpoles look for their mom.

T: Today , let’s learn Where is Mom?

T: listen to me carefully. Spring is coming , a frog woke up from

hibernation . after laying some eggs , she wants to take some fresh air, and explores spring outside for a while.

But the water is quite warm, the eggs grow quickly to tadpoles

T: What happened ?

S: 变成小蝌蚪

T: let’s read tadpoles , read picture 1 (all the students )