T: Good morning, boys and girls! How are you?
S: Good morning, Cici! I’m fine, thank you!
T: Before the class, let’s say the chant together.
T: We have two teams, Team A and Team B
= 2 \* ROMAN II .Leading-in
T: Well done. Let’s play a game--- Brain Storming. There are four adj words in the chant. I will give you the first letter and guess the whole words. 教师给出单词的首字母,然后请学生猜出整个单词,以形容词为主。教师依次写出funny, fat, pretty, naughty, timid, tall, thin, young, old, clever, cute, cool, super, short, strong, smart, small, big, beautiful, brave, brilliant. 等这些形容词,教师与学生一起复习形容词。
T: F is the first letter of another word. fantastic 教师出示单词,教授新单词,操练,读音纠正。
brave, brilliant 依次出现, 操练并板书 读音纠正 多种形式
T: These words are very important for you. They can help you to describe someone who you know.
= 3 \* ROMAN III . Reading Activities
1. 教师出示课件,绘本的封面
T: Now, this is a picture. And can you use the words to describe this man? 鼓励学生用复习的单词来描述人物。
T: For example, I think he is funny. What do you think?
S1: He is good./ He is fat. / He is strong. ……
T: Great. You are so smart. Actually, he is father. And I want to say that he is brave. He is fantastic. He is brilliant. Today I want to share this picture book with you all. Let’s open this book. First of all, let me introduce the writer of this picture book. The writer is Anthony Browne. He is from the UK. When he was a little boy, he always drew pictures with his father. He is a great artist. 出示绘本封面,简单介绍作者。
T: Well, let’s open this picture book. 出示课件,绘本第一页
He’s all right, my dad.
T: what does “all right” mean? 教师提问,设置悬念,继续阅读。出示第二幅图片,学生制度,教师朗读。教师指着“wolf”询问 who is he?
S: the wolf.
T: he is the big bad wolf. He is very very bad. Can you guess the word “afraid”. What’s the meaning of “afraid”? 教师出示单词,做害怕的样子。Do you find something interesting? There is Little Red Riding Hood and the three pigs. They are afraid of the big bad wolf, but dad isn’t afraid of him. So we know that dad is very brave. He makes me safe. “all right” means 棒!
3. T: 这个爸爸还可能在哪些方面棒呢?教师提出问题,出示六幅图片,学生阅读,教师指导,学生填空。学生边读边填空,教师讲解tightrope, fall off. He can ______. 板书 He can ______ like a ______.
讲解 wrestle, giant.
4. T: let’s go on. What else will the writer draw in the book? 出示六幅图片,Is this dad?
S: Yes. T: He’s as _____ as ______. 板书
学生自读,填空 教师讲解 gorilla, hippopotamus, soft, wise, daft
5. T: what else can he do? Can he dance? Can he sing? 提出问题,继续阅读图片,学生试着回答。
S: Yes, he can.
板书 My dad is a __________. He is fantastic at ________. He makes me laugh. A lot. 讲解 laugh 出示最后的图片,学生自读。