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师梦圆小学英语教材同步辽宁师大版三年级起点六年级下册Unit 4 A different weekend下载详情
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I was tired.

I was _______.(happy, tired, bored,...)

T: I know your weekends. Do you want to know why I was tired? Ask me together, how was your weekend?练习这个问句。

T: Now let’s see my weekend together. Read by yourselves

Hello, I’m Ann.

I was tired last weekend.

It was windy, so I stayed at home.

I cleaned rooms and watered the flowers in the daytime.

In the evening, I cooked delicious dinner.

T: I was busy last weekend. What did I do? 生说圈答案

T: stay-stayed, 批注ay/ei/ bay, pay, play. Can you read?

Stay-stayed, 可批注加ed练习读音。板书stayed at home.放在/d/房子里。

I stayed at home last weekend.

(Team 1/2 read)

T: I stayed at home last weekend. In your family, who stayed at home last weekend?

_______ stayed at home.

(I/ My father/My mother ...)

T: Oh, your father/mother stayed at home. How about you? Did you stay at home? not stayed。将黑板的ed盖上。并板书句子。

Ss: Yes, I did. (出示大量图片练习答语Yes, I did./No, I didn’t。听音乐,玩游戏,擦桌子)练答语,师问生,问完两个(若答no,继续问:what did you do, Let me guess, did you clean rooms? Did you listen to the music?)练习no, I didn’t.


T: Did you play sports?一个问题问两学生,先将play sports写到房子里。练答语时,Yes, I did. I played sports.再添上ed.

T: Did you clean rooms? (同上)

T: Did you water flowers?(板书play sports,clean rooms,water flowers三个短语,根据回答师再加ed)

(PPT) Did you ___?(play football/climb a hill/listen to the music/clean the rooms)

Yes, I did. I ___.(played football/climbed a hill/ listened the music/cleaned the rooms)

No, I didn’t. I____.(played football/climbed a hill/ listened the music/cleaned the rooms)

问答导入并操练cooked dinner

T: Did I clean rooms? Did I water flowers? Did I cook dinner?

T: Yes,I cooked dinner. I cooked noodles.

