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师梦圆小学英语教材同步人教版一年级起点二年级下册lesson 3下载详情
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1 Greeting.

2 Play games.

II Introduction and practice.

1 The T asks the Ss to watch the video, listen to the tape and try to read after the tape.

2 The T asks the Ss to practise the sentences in pairs. Then read the sentences one by one.

3 The T shows some pictures, and gives some sentence patterns, then encourages the Ss to make more sentences.

--What time is it?


--It’s playtime. Let’s_____________.

4 The T encourages the Ss to show.

III Let’s write.

1The T asks the Ss to watch the video, and try to know how to write the letters: Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp.

2 The T helps the Ss write the letters correctly, and then the Ss write the words and read them.

IV Consolidation.

1 Summary.

2 Emotional education: Time is money.

V Homework.

Cherish the time every day.When the Ss play games, they can review the numbers and some phrases.

And they will be very happy.

Listen to the tape, the Ss can grasp the right pronunciation of the words and sentences.

Watch and practise, the Ss can write the letters correctly.板

计Unit4 Time Lesson 3

Mm Nn Oo Pp

milk nine orange pencil