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师梦圆小学英语教材同步人教版一年级起点三年级下册Let’s Check下载详情
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The teacher wears the photo of “Mary” on the head and says:” Now, I am Mary. Look ! This is my family. There are so many people in my family. And I like my mother and aunt very much, I want to introduce them to others, can you help me ? “ Before that, we have two tasks to finish, do you want to finish them with me ?

Task 1: Tell me some words that can describe a person’s appearance.

Task 2: Watch the video and say the words that you see out loudly.


Stick some sentences of describing a person’s appearance to the dice and let them throw the dice and then read the sentences.

Try to help me to introduce my mother and aunt to others.

My mother :

a. Question : How old are you ?

How old is my mother ? She is _____ years old.

( Guessing my mother’s age.)

b.pair work: finish the blank of the passage.

c. check the answers. ( ask 1 student of each group to read it )

(2)My aunt.

My aunt is ____ years old. (Guessing game )

see the picture and guess the answer

mechanical practice: the teacher teaches them to read

write the four sentences on four papers and let them guess the sentence by showing a little part of the paper.

3.Retell the passage when they see the two photos.

4. Make a passage of their own mother or father

IV . Homework