1. 根据短文完成填空(特别注意:He/She wants...)
2. 运用功能句 want(s) to...和...can...进行口头表达。
T:Good morning class!
Ps: Good morning Miss Huang!
T:What day is it today ?
T:Now,look outside.What’s the weather like ?
Ps:It’s sunny.
T:Do you like the sunny days?
T:I like the sunny days, too.it’s going to be sunny this weekend .Do you want to travel this weekend?
Ps:Yes ,we do.
T:So ,look at these pictures . There are many beautiful places in our country(PPT展示祖国各地美景图片)They are so beautiful ,do you know where they are?
T:You are very good.Do you want to travel?(板书单元题目Travel Plans)now,let’s make a travel plan in your groups.(PPT出示题目)
Look ,I have many words and phrases ,maybe they can help you.
Review the words and the phrases.
T:Work in groups .Choose the pictures in your groups.(小组合作,选择提前分发给各组的图片并进行填空。)
T:Which one wants to show the travel plan?
So ,listen carefully .and try to answer my questions on the board.(板书句子Where does he/she want to go? What does he /she want to do there?)(PPT出示题目Where does he/she want to go ? What does he /she want to do there ? He/She wants to... They want to ... )
三、Listen and match.
T:My good friend Zhou Ming’s birthday is coming,Where do his family want to go ?now ,listen to the tape for two times,and match.
T: Ok,which group want to show your answers on the board?(请一个小组到黑板上连线。)
Are they right?
T:You group ,five stars.You are wonderful.
四、listen again and fill in the blanks.
T:Now ,read the first part again and fill in the blanks.(PPT出示任务题目。)