b. Task-based approach.will be used. I will set up several tasks.
c. In order to interest the Ss, I’ll use the CAI, head-wear and some picture cards as my teaching aids .
5. Learning methods
a. Group cooperation is used, which can help the Ss to communicate and solve problems in the learning procedure.
b.TPR activities.
6. Teaching procedures
Before class, I will divide the whole class into groups of 4 and I’ll tell the Ss that there is a class competition, so that they should work hard to get good marks.
Step 1: Lead in (Pre – reading )
1.Enjoy a song: Colours.
a. Sing and do the actions.
b.Talk about colours. T: What’s your favourite colour?
c. Talk about the colors: yellow, golden, orange, brown and golden brown.
2. Predict the story by talking about the cover of the book. (Work in groups of four)
Questions: What’s the name of the book ?
What’s the name of the book?
What animal can you see on the cover ?
Where is it ?
What colour is it ?
【设计意图: 让学生以四人小组为单位,合作学习,通过观察绘本的封面,看题目和图片,引导学生预测故事并提出有关问题让其思考,为进入阅读学习做好必要的铺垫,激发学生的阅读兴趣。】
3. Talk abou the lion by using a bubble mindmap.
【设计意图: 利用思维导图进行脑筋风暴,激发学生的已有的知识,拓展学生的思维能力以及英语口头表达能力。】
Step 2: While -reading
1. Task 1: Read individually.
T: How many animals did the little lion see? What are they? Finish the circle on the work sheet.
2. The big idea (Exercise on page 18.)
A. Little Lion wanted to be more colorful.
B: Little Lion came to know golden brown was the right color for him.
3. Task 2: Comprehension: Listen and read the story for the second time, find out the information below.