2. 活动学习策略:根据学生年龄特点,创设情景,开展以“Keeping healthy”为主要载体的英语教学活动,让学生积极并主动参与。 3.合作学习策略:以“学生为本”,充分发挥小组的作用,让学生在小组内合作学习、相互帮助。通过小组内部相互纠正 发音,互相帮助,让学生成为课堂的真正主人。教学重点及难点教学重点:能够借助熟悉的单词、图片、歌谣和故事感知字母组合ea在单词中
教学难点:能够尝试运用字母组合发音规律拼读、识记和书写单词,培养学生见词能读、听音能写的能力。教学基本策略及设计思路1. 本节课创设Sea不健康而想准备锻炼的情景和本单元主题keeping healthy贴近,让学生积极并主动参与,在学习语音知识的同时对本单元句子以及单词进行操练,提高学生综合语言运用的能力。
2. 带有任务的趣味操练活动,调动学生的情绪,活跃课堂气氛,让学生在活动中不断的吸收、内化所学,让学生在体验中感受英语的乐趣。
3. 使用多媒体播放音频、视频,带给学生视听盛宴,全方位多角度感受英语的节奏韵律美。
4. 以生为本,充分发挥小组的作用,激发学生兴趣。教学过程教学环节教学活动设计意图Step I: Lead-in1. Chant and greetings.
2. T: Do you know “healthy”? And do you know what is “unhealthy”? It means “not healthy”. Today I will introduce you a new friend.
He often eats candies and drink coke. He doesn’t like vegetables and doesn’t do sports. Is he healthy or unhealthy?
Let’s help Sea to become healthy. 通过Free talk 引出本单元的主题healthy,再引出本节课的主要单词unhealthy.介绍Sea本课主线人物,设置Sea也不健康而且很虚弱,引出本节课的学习目标。Step II. New presentation1. Review the sound ea /i:/
2. Learn the sound ea /e/.
T: Now Sea wants to keep healthy. He is ready for exercise.
Look at the words: unhealthy, ready. What’s the same?
What’s the sound of “ea”? Let’s read and find it out.
2. let’s chant about “ea”
3. T: Wonderful. We all know “ea” has two sounds, let’s read a rhyme and remember them.
4. T: Now let’s spell the words with your fingers.
br + ea + d bread
sw + ea + ter sweater
h + ea+ d head
h + ea + vy heavy
thr + ea + d thread
w + ea + ther weather通过复习以前所学的ea的长音/i:/, 再引出第二种发音/e/
通过创设Sea不健康而想准备锻炼的情景, 学生能在情境中自然感知发音规律进而自己探究总结其规律。学生观看视频并在有节奏的韵律中记忆ea发音,进一步强化学生对字母组合ea发音规律的感知。
教师手指示范朗读单词,再由学生手指朗读单词。通过使用手势拼读法,既能记忆单词的音节和强化拼读规律,又能为学生见词能读打下基础。接着出示更多包含ea的单词,让学生拼读练习。Step III. Practice1. T: The weather is cold today. Sea puts a sweater on and goes out to exercise. Now Sea is playing games in the park.
Would you like to play with him?
If you can read the words, please stand up and read it quickly. (or ask the groups to stand up)
2. T: Sea is happy to play with you. But he is still weak. Because he has many bad habits. What are they? Let’s have a look.
“Sea doesn’t eat breakfast. He always eats meat. He never plays sport.”
T: Now he wants to keep healthy. Can you help him?