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掌握本节课的单词:red, yellow, blue, green

掌握本节课的句型:What color is it? It’s….




Step1 Warm up


T: Hello, everyone. Now this time, I say hello, you say hi, ok?

S: Ok.

T: Hello.

S: Hi.

T: Hello, hello

S: Hi, hi.

T: Hello, hello,hello

S: Hi, hi, hi

Ok, now let’s sing a song together, ok? (I can sing a rainbow.)


Step2 Presentation

Are you happy? If you are happy, let’s go to the park together. I will divide you into four groups. You’re group A, group B, group C and group D. Now I want to tell you an exciting news, my sister Lucy also goes to the park with us. Now let’s look at her, is she beautiful? Yes, because she has a beautiful skirt, right? What color is it? (引出red)


Now it’s our magic time. Close your eyes and let’s say magic, magic, magic together, ok? Open your eyes, what happened? The color of the skirt has been changed, right? What color is it? Yes, it’s yellow. If you want to know the color of one thing, you should ask “What color is it?” and your answer should be “It’s…”

Let’s continue, close your eyes and say magic, magic, magic together. One, two, ready? Go! Open your eyes and look what happened. What color is it? Yes, it’s blue.


I have four bottles, now let’s look at this one, what color is it? It has no color, right? Ok, let’s say change, change, change together. One, two, ready? Go! Wow, what color is it? It’s blue. Good. This time, who can try. And let’s say change, change, change together. Wow, it’s blue. This is blue and this is blue, is there anything difference between these them? Yes, this is light blue and this dark blue. And the two bottles, who can try.(剩下两个瓶子,让学生亲自动手来做,教授dark yellow和light yellow) Now I have blue and I have yellow, if I put them together, what color will we get? Wow, what color is it? It’s green.

【设计意图】瓶子里面的水由无色变成有色,巩固了本节课所学习的两个单词blue和yellow,两个瓶子里面的蓝色和黄色不同,引出深蓝色和浅黄色的英语表达方式;将黄色和蓝色混在一起,我们将得到绿色,引出单词green. 接下来的颜色操练进一步鼓励学生输出深色和浅色的英文表达。在操练的过程中,不断的向学生渗透句型“ What color is it?” 及其回答 “It’s…”,让学生感知询问颜色的表达方法及其回答方式。

Game time.(hug-hug)


Step3 Practice

Game1: loud-low voice