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师梦圆小学英语教材同步清华版一年级起点六年级下册Lesson 12下载详情
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Teaching procedure

Step 1. Pre-reading


T: Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to see you!

Free talk

T: what’s the weather like today? Today we’ll have a new lesson-wonderful holidays. So what holidays do you know?

Ss: I know...

T: What can you do? / What can you eat?

Ss: I can...

Step 2 while-reading

Let’s guess

T: Today we’ll talk about a holiday. It’s in May. It’s for a woman in the family. What is it? Can you guess?

Ss: It’s Mother’s Day.

Firstly, read quickly and fill in the blank.

What’s the passage about?

It’s about showing to our dear mothers.

Read part 1 and choose

Q: On what day is Mother’s Day?

the second Sunday in May

the third Sunday in May

Read part2 and part3 carefully, underline and answer

Q1: What can we do on Mother’s Day?

Q2:What can we say on Mother’s Day?

Listen to the tape , then repeat and read by themselves.

Step 3 post-reading

What can you do for your mom on Mother’s Day?

Group work

Read the passage about Father’s Day and fill in the form in the group.

Father’s Day

When is it?