●Pre-task preparations:
~1.播放Sing a song的歌曲Old MacDonald has a farm的录音,watch the movie要求学生仔细听歌曲,看屏幕。 注意里面提到了多少种动物。 [设计意图] 歌曲营造良好氛围,为本课的学习做好主题层面的铺垫。 2.学生根据听到的歌曲,看图回答问题: 1)Is this a park? (No, it isn’t.) 2)Is it a farm?(教师可以自己回答Yes, it is.It’s Old MacDonald’s farm.) 3)How many kinds of farm animals can you hear in the song?(Five.) 4)What are they?(Ducks,cows,pigs,sheep and horses.) How many cows/ducks/sheep/horses/pigs can you see?Two coes./Five ~5)ducks./Three sheep./Four horses./Six pigs. 根据学生的回答进行小结,从而引出farm和Mr MacDonald。 [设计意图] 深入挖掘歌曲中的信息,使学生对号入座,进行信息分类。
●While-task procedures:
~1、出示Look and learn 的单词卡片,教授单词cow,horse,pig和sheep,让学生跟读并拼读单词。 T:(show the flashcard for pig)Pig. P-I-G,pig. Ss:Pig. P-I-G,pig. 教师可以告诉学生Miss Fang和她的学生们在参观农场,然后播放动物的叫声,请学 生说出这些动物的名称。 T:What can you hear? S1: I can hear a cow/cows. [设计意图] 通过对动物声音的辨识,学习生词。 2、在黑板上出示Listen and say的图片,并作简要的介绍。 T:Mr MacDonald is a farmer.He has a farm.There are many animals on his farm.Today,Miss Fang and the children come to his farm. 播放课文录音,让学生看图听录音,然后跟录音读课文。结合图片和肢体语言帮助学生理解生词farm,great,litter,stone,throw. 针对Listen and say,教师可以通过以下问题帮助学生理解对话内容。 Picture 1: 1)How many people can you see in Picture 1? (We can see six people in the picture.) 2)Who is the old man? (He is Mr MacDonald.) 3)Who is she/the young lady? (She is Miss Fang.) 4)What do they say to each other? (“Good morning.”) Picture 2&3: 1)What does Miss Fang say? (“Don’t litter.”) 2)What does Mr MacDonald say? (“Don’t throw stones.”) 3)What do the children say? (“Yes, Miss Fang/Mr MacDonald.”) Picture 4: 1)Do the children like the farm? (Yes, they do.) ~2)What can Alice hear? (She can hear some cows.) [设计意图] 对故事每幅图进行线索式的分析,使学生理解故事大意。 3、让学生看图回答问题,以帮助学生进一步理解课文。 T:Who is the old man? Ss: He’s Mr MacDonald. 在黑板上写出句型Don’t litter.然后把挂图贴在黑板上(随地扔垃圾、投掷石块等的图片),让学生用Don’t...说一说。 T:(point to the picture of a boy littering)What can you say to the boy? S1:Don’t litter. 告诉学生Please don’t...是更礼貌的表达。 可再举些例子帮助学生理解在何种场合下用Let’s ...和Great!,如:夏天,天气很热,一学生提议Let’s go swimming.其他学生说Great!等等。 [设计意图] 引出否定祈使句Don’t... 4、可以采用以下方式帮助学生识记生词: 1)逐一出示生词卡片,让学生仔细听其发音后模仿,然后拼读。 2)将生词卡片打乱顺序,让学生认读。 3)组成词组,让学生朗读:on the farm,throw stones,... [设计意图] 巩固、操练。
●Post-task activities
~1、学生分成三或四人一组,分角色朗读课文。然后请几组学生上来表演对话。 [设计意图] 通过分角色朗读课文或表演课文,内化知识点,体验真实情境。 2、Design your own farm.引导学生结合以前所学的词汇和句子,用自己的话设计自己的农场。 (Picture1)I have a big farm. There are many animals on my farm.(There are many flowers and plants on his farm too.) [设计意图] 变化人称,再述故事,进行语用。 3、Watch the movie。拓展,农场美景。(由farm animals到farm plants) 4、德育渗透:Food from the farm. We must love the animals,enjoy the life . Homework: 1 Spell and copy these words. horse sheep cow pig 2 Write about one animal on the farm.
Unit 9 A day on the farm
Don’t litter.
Don’t throw stones.
1 Spell and copy these words.
horse sheep cow pig
2 Write about one animal on the farm.