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师梦圆初中英语教材同步沪教版七年级下册A person I love下载详情
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Teaching focus? Design writing contents by making outline before writing

Teaching difficulty Enrich contents with the new words and phrases

IV. Teaching procedure

4.1 Preparation Before class- Look up new words


Height tall – of average height ( ) – short Build overweight – heavy - of average build - slim - skinny

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )Age elderly ( ) - middle-aged ( ) – young Hairlong – short; straight( )– curly ( )

black – blonde( ) – grey ( ) Dressingwear glasses, be in green ( )General good-looking/ handsome/pretty – ugly

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


outgoing ( ) – ingoing ( )

sociable ( ) – shy cheerful – dull ( )

kind/friendly – rude ( )

generous ( ) – mean ( )energetic ( ) – tired humorous ( ) – serious ( ) intelligent ( )/smart/ wise ( ) – stupid

30’ Excellent 29-25’ Good 24- 20’ OK 19-0’ Fighting

Design purpose: The main purpose of this activity is to inspire students' interest in

active learning, cultivate their ability of using the dictionary, and form the good habit

of preparation before class. In addition, in the communication, evaluation and then

writing, students can experience the fun of the self-study and a sense of achievement.

Finally, besides core words in the text ,students can grasp commonly used vocabulary

to describe people. Thus, to provide a richer, more detailed description of people’s

appearance, personality and characters in a vivid, lively and rich way.

4.2 Lead-in

Who cooks the best dishes for you every day?

Who supports you and cheers you up when you are sad?

Who helps you when you meet some difficulties in study?

Who plays with you when you want to relax?

Why do so many people do such things for you? Because they love you.

We are going to write and tell others about the person you love.

Design purpose: The main purpose of this activity is to stimulate students' interest in learning, enable students to notice what we assume to be common but actually the greatest effort and company, and most importantly, to understand that all of this comes from love. All the questions in this part consist of main words in the text, such as support and cook dishes, cheer up. Consequently, students can review and consolidate the basic vocabulary for writing.
