Is it strawberry juice or watermelon juice? It’s strawberry juice.
The sun rises in the morning.
难点:一般现在时中动词第三人称单数的用法,如 rise-rises,go-goes
课件 预习单
Pre-task preparations
1.Sing a song.《Twinkle,twinkle,little star》
2.Play game: Touch your...复习五官词汇,创设学习氛围。
3.Look and say: 引导学生说:I can... with my...
eg: I can look and see with my eyes. I can listen and hear with my ears. I can smell with my nose. I can taste with my mouth. I can touch and feel with my hands.
While-task procedures
1.Review words in groups: hard, soft, thick, thin, feel, touch, sun, at night, evening, rise, high, moon, shadow, again, at noon, go down, take a walk
2.Report group by group.分小组汇报朗读单词。
3.Review Unit1: How does it feel? It’s hard/soft/thick/thin.提问学生读句并翻译
4.Pair work.
-Touch the... How does it feel?
-It’s... 通过学生对话,反馈学生对本单元的掌握情况。
5.Review Unit2:Smell and taste
Is it...or...? It’s...提问学生读句并翻译。
6.Look and guess.
7.Play a game.
Make dialogue in pairs. 通过游戏设计,学生大量输出句型,正确运用本单元知识点。
8.Review: Unit3 Look and see
Talk about the sun、shadow and the moon.以思维导图的形式,引导学生运用语言输出太阳、影子及月亮在一天中的位置变化。
Post-task activities
1.Read and write。
2.Think and circle
3.Choose the correct answers.