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师梦圆小学英语教材同步沪教版三年级起点六年级上册7 Seeing a film下载详情
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2. Task driven approach.

3.Courseware Assistant Teaching approach.情感态度

与价值观1. Teach students how to invite others or make suggestions..

2. Tell students see good films.学时One period教学重难点


1. Grasping the new words and phrases: shall, police, exciting, boring, see a film, next time.

2. Using the sentences to invite others: Shall We … ?


Using the expressions to invite others or make some suggestions.教学准备书,PPT课件,cards

教 学 过 程

教学环节媒体使用及分析(PPT使用功能)教师活动学生活动设计意图教学环节一Pre-task pre-parations 1.Before class, T shows the video of some cartoon films.

Ss watch and listen to these film sections.

课前的预热环节,学生欣赏迪斯尼卡通电影片段和歌曲。为本节课“seeing a film”创设情境,激发学生学习的热情。

2.T has a free talk with Ss: How’s the weather today? Do you like weekends?Ss talk with T.通过看似随意的自由谈话,其实教师在步步靠近今天的主题。 3. T asks: What are you going to do this weekend? Shall we… this weekend?

Ss answer T these questions, perceive “Shall we…?” Try to answer.由教师询问是否喜欢周末和这个周末有什么计划,渗透Shall we…?的重点句型,让学生感知句型,为新授奠定基础。 2.There are six pictures on the screen. T lets Ss ask and answer with deskmates by themselves in two minutes. Then ask some Ss to stand and say.Ss see the pictures,

ask and answer in pairs. Using: Shall we go and…this weekend? Sure/… .这是一个同座位相互操练的活动,其目的是为了巩固刚才所学的本课主句型。


While-task procedures

New dialogue

1.T asks: Do you like films? What film would you like to see? Showing some famous film posters on the screen. After Ss seeing, T asks, “ What would you like to see? What’s it about?” T asks their feeling about these films. Teaching new words: exciting, boring.Ss answer T, then appreciate some films posters. Ss try

to talk about their favourite films and the contends. Using: It’s about… .

Question: How’s the film? Ss answer:

It’s a/an____ film .

Learning the new words: exciting and boring.

这个环节是本课 第一个高潮部分,学生欣赏了他们最喜爱的一些著名的动画和科幻电影,在欣赏的同时,教师渗透一些课内外的知识:电影名字和简单的角色说明。学生在不知不觉中熟悉了新授对话中重点句型的表达方式。再通过对这些电影的感觉,复习了以前的fun, interesting, 学习了新的词汇表达感觉:exciting和boring。 SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT

1.Showing all the text in Video.Ss see and read together.前面的教学已经解决了新授对话的重难点句型。教师再呈现正片对话的视屏,激发学生自己去感知新授内容,为下面的分层教学铺好道路。 SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT 2.The first part of the new dialogue teaching:

T shows the

questions: What are they going to do this weekend? How did Jill invite Kitty and Peter to go to see a film? Ss look at the

picture, answer two questions. Then read the important sentence on the screen: Shall we go and see a film this weekend? Ss read it together.教师正式呈现
